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Since 1990, Ji-Link has specialized in Japanese Interpreting Services. We understand the unique needs of our Japanese & English speaking clients, and we have one of the most trusted network of qualified, professional interpreters throughout the U.S. and Japan.  We are not an employment agency.  We link the best interpreters with fields that they have expertise and experience in.  Because we focus on professional individual talent, we are able to satisfy our clients specific needs on every job we perform.


We focus on People.  Ji-Link deals with two types of people:  

Because we understand how important fulfillment of your requirements is, we pay individual attention to each customer to determine their exact needs and fulfill them.  


We work to ensure we identify and fulfill their needs and desires as professionals so they can perform at their optimal ability.  They are our most valuable assets.  The interpreters in our network are people whom we’ve either personally worked,  interviewed, or at a minimum, have talked to so we know precisely what level of services and quality we are sending to your meetings and events.



We only do what we know and we do our best.  We understand the unique needs of our Japanese & English speaking clients.  Plus our staff speaks your language.


Translation (written) and Interpretation (verbal) are very different and require very different skill sets.  We focus on interpreting services.   Interpreters interact with people, must be able to react quickly and able to handle a multitude of stressful situations.  


We don't just send people who speak the language ----they understand the subtle nuance of each industry.   Interpreters are bilingual, trilingual or sometimes even more,  but that’s not all. They have a complete understanding of the words and the culture behind them.